ACTRAN Acoustics workshop基础课程

ACTRAN Acoustics workshop基础课程 扫二维码继续学习




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ACTRAN 是著名的声学软件提供商--比利时FFT公司的旗舰产品。本课程由海基科技副总李奇博士讲授,李奇博士毕业于同济大学声学所、瑞典皇家工学院航空与车辆工程系MWL实验室,具有十年以上声学仿真经验,是资深CAE专家。本课程为ACTRAN Acoustic workshop基础课程,为您详细、全面介绍ACTRAN Acoustic workshop。



课时1 1A Description of Actran workshop


    1 To import an ACTRAN input file and check the content of it

    2 To export both the mesh and the input file

    3 To launch in different ways the input file

课时2 1B-1 Example of sound source in a treated cavity(foam layer)


    1 One considers the same cavity as in workshop 1A but one layer of fluid elements is replaced by a foam layer

    2 Sound in enclosure: a spherical source is placed in one corner of a 1m3 cavity wuth 5 rigid walls and a foam layer

    3 A 0.125m thick foam layer is glued against one of the cavity walls(from y=0.375m to y=0.5m)

    4 Use rigid porous elements

课时3 1B-2 Training of Kundt's tube


    1 Problem description and models

    2 Workshop description

    3 Using BOXPRO as a pre-processing tool

课时4 1C Using equivalent admittance


    1 One considers the same cavity as in previous workshop

    2 The spherical source placed in one of the box corner at (x,y,z)=(-0.375,-0.375,-0.375)

    3 Use an admittance boundary condition for modeling the foam

    4 Computed results(compare with workshop 1A)

    4.1 The mean square pressure amplitude from 1Hz to 500Hz

    4.2 The sound pressure level at the center of the box

    4.3 Plot a color map at 295Hz

课时5 2 Model extraction: acoustic cavity


    1 One considers a 1m3 cavity, centered on the origin(0,0,0)

    2 One considers default air properties for the fluid and assumes the walls to be rigid

    3 Use quadratic, 0.125m sized elements

    4 Post- processing:

    4.1 Extract the modes in the 1Hz to 500Hz frequency range

    4.2 Plot a color map of 7th mode(order(m,n,l)=(1,1,1)) and compare it with the workshop 1A map

课时6 3 Free field radiation of a monopole


    1 Purpose: free-field radiation of a monopole in air at standard conditions

    2 Plot the real part of the pressure from 1Hz to 500Hz measured at (x,y,z)=(1,0,0)

    3 Plot the sound pressure level from 1Hz to 500Hz measured at (x,y,z)=(1,0,0)

    4 Visualize a map using cutplanes functions

课时7 4 Duct radiating in free field


    1 One considers a simple duct radiating in a half free space

    2 The duct is excited with each mode propagating at 700Hz

    3 Compute the pressure variation along the duct axis

    4 Plot a color map

课时8 5A BC_MESH application: structure radiating in a free field


    1 The objective of this workshop is to evaluate the acoustic radiation of a simple vibrating structure

    2 The parameters of the problem

    3 The displacement of the edges of the panel are set to 0

    4 The excitation is displacement at the center of the plate

课时9 5B Training


    1 The objective of this document is to explain how to create an ACTRAN model in order to compute the acoustic radiation of a vibrating structure

    2 This training is based on a gearbox model

课时10 6 Visco-thermal effects in Actran


    1 Visco-thermal elements in Actran

    2 Purpose: understand the visco-thermal effects occurring in a thin circular tube connecting to acoustic cavities

    3 Plot the SPL of the pressure from 10Hz to 3000Hz measured at (x,y,z)=(0.05,0.6,0) for 2 cases: with and without visco-thermal effects in the thin tube

    4 Plot the average SPL in the different cavities

    5 Visualize pressure maps at some frequencies of interest






ACTRAN是FFT公司的旗舰产品。ACTRAN最初定位于声音的传播(因而定名ACTRAN),它现在已经覆 盖了振动声学和流动声学的各个方面,具备了与当今最先进技术相结合的广泛特征。ACTRAN可以处理的问题包括:声波的辐射、散射、封闭和开放声场、 管道中的传播、对流效应、声振耦合、精确模拟阻尼等。ACTRAN简单易用,与CAE软件的集成方便快捷;同时历经工程验证,具有出色的鲁棒性和解算效 率。FFT公司和海基科技专业的支持服务是您获益的有力保证。ACTRAN是当今市场上最完善的声学模拟软件。基于有限元和无限元方法的通用技术,ACTRAN提供了丰富的单元库、材料库、边界条件、求解配置和求解器。ACTRAN被最挑剔的工程师、研究人员和教师用来求解具有挑战性的振动声学和流动声学问题。


